Approaching excellence with Rising Stone

Between durability and the nobility of the materials used, creation is one and the same.

Properties built with the best materials on the market

Rising Stone, together with its architects and project managers, systematically selects the highest-quality materials for the construction of its apartments, with a view to offering long-lasting, low-maintenance properties that provide greater peace of mind for purchasers. Going beyond the usual practices of developers or the standards imposed by town planning regulations, Rising Stone makes no concessions on quality. Even if such a choice implies a reduction in the square meters offered for sale.
Take, for example, the construction of partitions, usually 7 centimetres thick: Rising Stone's partitions are between 11 and 13 centimetres thick, for greater soundproofing and thermal insulation. Another example: while many developers opt for composite slate roof tiles, Rising Stone opts for 80-centimeter-thick roofs made of lauzes, stones that weigh 300 kg/m2, offering a more solid and durable property.

Each project has its own DNA and a strong, carefully thought-out identity.

We like to find common threads and take a holistic approach to the project. As soon as we enter and move around the residence, from the parking lots, through the common areas to the apartments, we find the identity we wanted to give the place. Each residence is personalized with customized signage.